The Pi Trivia Game

by Eve Andersson


Home : Pi : The Pi Trivia Game

Finally this is your chance to pay tribute to the magnificent transcendental number that we have all grown to love! Here are 25 questions (given to you 5 at a time), picked randomly from my pi question database. Get ready for the thrill of your lifetime, the ultimate challenge, The Pi Trivia Game!

1. Which of the following is an arctangent formula for pi?

2. How does one convert pi in base 10 to base 2?

3. If one were to find the circumference of a circle the size of the known universe, requiring that the circumference be accurate to within the radius of one proton, how many decimal places of pi would need to be used?

4. What is the volume of a sphere (3-dimensional, not a hypersphere) [r = radius]?

5. Answer the following question (an example of pi's importance in probability), posed and solved by George Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (solved also nowdays by many students in introductory statistics classes): Let a needle of length L be thrown at random onto a horizontal plane ruled with parallel lines spaced by a distance d (greater than L) from each other. What is the probability that the needle will intersect one of these lines?